Petition Text: 21126-CS-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, The Western North Carolina Conference has worked faithfully in prison ministry and prison reform for over twenty-five years; and

Whereas, The Western North Carolina Conference has initiated and supported expansion of this ministry over the past five years through the establishment of Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries of The United Methodist Church; and

Whereas, the Western North Carolina Conference-sponsored CJAMM has affected many other conferences and resulted in the organization and ministry of a Southeastern Jurisdiction Fellowship for CJAMM; and

Whereas, The CJAMM Fellowship of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church is now petitioning the 1996 General Conference to establish a CJAMM office and director of The United Methodist Church; and

Whereas, The 1984 General Conference adopted a petition from the Western North Carolina Conference calling for the development of prison ministry and prison reform and establishment of a General Council on Ministries committee to work toward this end and to make further recommendations; and

Whereas, the 1988 and 1992 General Conferences supported the continued development of this ministry, adopting all recommendations of the General Council on Ministries committee, including episcopal and Annual Conference actions, and recommending local church coordinators and/or councils on prison ministry; and

Whereas, The General Council on Ministries Committee on Prison Ministries and Prison Reform is recommending establishment of a United Methodist Church CJAMM office of ministry and advocacy through the General Board of Discipleship or the General Board of Church and Society or a related agency, such as the Foundation for Evangelism;

Therefore, be it resolved, that, in keeping with our history as the Methodist Church and the initiative and support given to prison ministry and prison reform by the Western North Carolina Conference, the 1995 session of the conference endorse the need for a CJAMM office of The United Methodist Church and petition the 1996 General Conference to act upon our request for a CJAMM director.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21126-CS-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference