Petition Text: 21128-HE-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the United Methodist heritage is rich with concern for the education of all God's children; and

Whereas, that heritage is filled with vivid examples of Christlike concern for training the mind as well as nurturing the faith; and

Whereas, John Wesley was "a unique and remarkable educator (who) gave to the whole Methodist movement throughout the world a permanent passion for education"1; and

Whereas, the current educational environment in the United States is one of challenge and transition; and

Whereas, contemporary educational issues include concerns for quality, control, choice, and opportunity; and

Whereas, the church has a positive and constructive role to play in the discussion of education in our society and must become involved in ways that provide assistance to the community and support for educational leaders; and

Whereas, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has developed a study paper, Education: The Gift of Hope, reminding the church of its Wesleyan commitment; challenging the church to understanding; and calling the church to involvement in local education;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference receive Education: The Gift of Hope and affirm the challenge by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry;

Be it further resolved, that the 1996 General Conference urge every local congregation to study Education: The Gift of Hope to learn of our heritage, the current situation and concerns, and the hopes for education;

Be it further resolved, that the church join hands with educators in seeking more effective ways to prepare our children for a future in which they will both find personal fulfillment and make a significant contribution to the world;

Be it further resolved, that each local congregation develop a plan for concrete involvement in the educational activity of its community, seeking to improve the system, and becoming involved with students;

To the end that John Wesley's concern for education will be manifest among United Methodists and bring with it the gift of hope.

1 Halford E. Luccock, Paul Hutchinson, Robert W. Goodloe, The Story of Methodism, Abingdon Press, New York, Nashville, 1926, p.361.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21128-HE-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference