Petition Text: 21157-MN-319-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new sub-paragraph after ¶ 317:

Continue renewal and spiritual growth

1. Diaconal ministers shall be expected to continue their renewal and spiritual growth throughout their ministry, including carefully developed personal programs of study, augmented periodically by involvement in organized educational, service experience and spiritual growth activities.

2. In most cases, the diaconal minister's renewal leaves, including service and spiritual growth programs, should allow for at least one week each year and at least one month during one year of each quadrennium. Such leaves should be planned in consultation with their churches or other agencies in which they are serving, the district superintendent, and the conference Board of Diaconal Ministry.

3. Financial arrangements for continuing renewal, including service experience, and spiritual growth, shall be negotiated with the employing church or agency.

4. Diaconal ministers shall report to the district superintendents in the charge conference about their programs of continuing renewal, including service experiences and spiritual growth for the past year, and plans for the year to come.

The report shall include provisions for time and financial support for such renewal and agreed upon by the local church or employing agency.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21157-MN-319-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference