Petition Text: 21241-MN-454.3-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 454.1f as ¶ 454.3c and amend as follows:

3.c) Recommendation to Discontinue Probationary Terminate Membership.--The Board of Ordained Ministry shall recommend the discontinuance of a probationary member in keeping with the provisions of ¶ 418.

d) Recommendation to Terminate Membership of an Associate Member or Member in Full Connection.--The board's recommendation to terminate the membership of an associate member or member in full connection must be preceded by the Joint Review process and must be based...The board shall notify the clergy member ordained minister, the bishop, and district superintendent of the recommendation and shall forward the recommendation to the executive clergy session of the clergy members in full connection of with the Annual Conference. The notice to the clergy member ordained minister shall also inform the clergy member minister of his/her right to elect trial (¶ 454.2) or withdraw under complaints (¶ 453.4). The recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry shall be acted upon by the executive clergy session of the clergy members in full connection with the Annual Conference unless the clergy member ordained minister shall choose withdrawal or trial. Such choice by the clergy member ordained minister must be made...for deposit with the secretary of the conference, and the clergy member's minister's membership shall be transferred...

If upon notice of a recommendation from the Board of Ordained Ministry recommends termination of to terminate membership, and a full member or associate member chooses trial, the Board of Ordained Ministry shall deliver submit the formal complaint to the bishop, for referral as a judicial complaint to the Committee on Investigation (¶ 454.1 e)1) as charges and other appropriate material to the Committee on Investigation.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21241-MN-454.3-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference