Petition Text: 21270-GJ-2626-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend 2626:

1.a)(1) [Delete second sentence.]

b) [Second sentence] The presiding officer may have the legal counsel, who shall not be the conference chancellor, present at the expense...

c)(2) The convener shall notify the respondent in writing to appear at a fixed time and place no less than twenty (20) twenty-one (21) days after service of such notice...No person who was a member of the Cabinet, Joint Review Committee, Board of Ordained Ministry,...or any of the persons bringing complaints charges in a case.

(3) [Second sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise to these proceedings.

(4) No person shall serve as a member of the Trial Court who was a member of the Cabinet, Joint Review Committee, Board of Ordained Ministry,...The counsel for the Church and the respondent shall each have up to four (4) preemptory peremptory challenges...

f) Counsel.--In all cases a respondent shall be entitled...if the respondent is a bishop, a clergy person member, or a local pastor, a diaconal minister, or an elder of The United Methodist Church if the respondent is a diaconal minister, and a lay or clergy member of The United Methodist Church if the respondent is a lay member...The interest of the Counsel for the Church shall be represented by an elder in full connection selected by the bishop to represent the interests of the church in pressing the claims of the person making the complaint. In all cases...The counsel for the Church and for the respondent each shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel who may be an attorney without voice who shall not have voice in the trial.

h)(2) [Third sentence] In the trial of a clergy person member or clergy on honorable or administrative location the penalty... with the Annual Conference. Clergy persons, Clergypersons, local pastors, and persons on honorable or administrative location shall have the right to be present with voice during the consideration of motions of the tTrial cCourt at the clergy executive session.

j)(3) If in any case the respondent, after due notice (twenty [20] twenty-one [21] days) has been given,...

(4) [Second sentence] The presiding officer shall decide what constitutes "sufficient time," but in no case shall this time be less than twenty (20) twenty-one (21) days (see ¶ 2626.2).

(6) All objections to the regularity of the proceedings and the form and substance of charges and specifications shall be made prior to or at the first session of the trial...

(7) Objections of any party part to the proceedings...

(8) [Second sentence] Witnesses...may be questioned by members of the tTrial cCourt...

(9) [Second sentence] The presiding officer shall express no opinion on the law or the facts while the court is deliberating except that unless at the request of the jury, and with the consent of both the counsels, and in the presence of all parties in interest the presiding officer may offer interpretation of the provisions of the Book of Discipline, the parties in interest be present.

(13) [Last sentence] At all times, however, in the hearing portion of the trial, the presiding officer, the members of the Trial Court, the person(s) bringing the complaint, the person representing the Church...

2.c) [Second sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise to these proceedings.

3.c) (1) [Last sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise to these proceedings.

(2) [Last sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise the these proceedings.

(3) [Second sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise to these proceedings.

e) [Second sentence] Such documents are to be held...signed release from both the clergy person member charged...

4.c) [Last sentence] Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of The United Methodist Church as well as the racial, ethnic, and gender identity of the principal parties in the grievance which gave rise to these proceedings.

d) Counsel for the Church shall be a lay or clergy person...

f) If the trial court finds that the charges are proven by clear and convincing evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, then it may impose...provided that the tTrial cCourt shall first consider...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21270-GJ-2626-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference