Whereas, the proposal also changes the nomenclature as to divisions and departments within the General Board of Global Ministries (i.e., "divisions and departments," "National Division," "Mission Education and Cultivation Department," etc.); and
Whereas, there are numerous references to those divisions and departments in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 1992 edition (¶¶ 238, 255, 262.7, 263.2, 275.1.a, 275.1.b, 656.2, 657.3, 731.4.b.35, 731.5, 731.5.c, 731.5.d, 731.5.e, 731.5.h, 819, 1007.5.a.1, 1402.15, 1403.1.c, 1403.1.d, 1403.1.j, 1403.3, 1404, 1406.5, 1411.3.a, 1411.3.c, 1412.4, 1412.8, 1418.3.a, 1418.7, 1418.9.b, 1418.11, 1420.1, 1420.4, 1421.3, 1421.4, 1423.5, 1428, 1606.15, and 2301.2) which must be removed or changed to reflect the new structure;
Therefore, be it resolved, that in lieu of 39 individual petitions for editorial change, this resolution be approved;
And be it further resolved, that upon approval of the new structure by the 1996 Session of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church, the editing committee shall be instructed to correct all references to divisions and departments of the General Board of Global Ministries in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 1996 edition, in accord with the revised structure of the board.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 21296-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference