Petition Text: 21300-CO-726-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new sub-paragraph after ¶ 726.5a:

Committee on Hispanic Ministry.----Each Annual Conference shall create a Conference Committee on Hispanic Ministry or its equivalent which will relate to all conference agencies for the implementation of the Plan for Hispanic Ministry as it has been adjusted for the conference. It is recommended that this committee be composed of persons representing local Hispanic ministries as well as representatives from those districts where there is a significant Hispanic population. A District Superintendent shall be a member of the committee in order to provide linkage with the Cabinet. The committee membership shall reflect the conference diversity. The responsibilities of the committee shall be to work with the Conference Council on Ministries or its equivalent in the coordination needed for the implementation of the Plan for Hispanic Ministry. Its function shall be:

1) To assist the Council on Ministries or equivalent unit to develop a conference plan for Hispanic ministry.

2) To assist the Council on Ministries or equivalent unit in the implementation of the Plan focusing on the components recommended by the National Hispanic Plan: Planning, Training, Resourcing, and Monitoring.

3) To assist the conference in the establishment of new faith communities, community/outreach ministries, revitalization of churches and development of new ones.

4) To cooperate with the conference in collaboration with the respective Boards in the recruitment of pastors and diaconal ministers, the training of Hispanic and non-Hispanic lay missioners and pastors-mentors, and the establishment of institutes for continuing education and training for both pastors and laity.

5) To interpret and advocate for justice issues which need to be recognized and addressed by the church and by society.

6) To cooperate with the Conference Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns in its efforts to incorporate racial and ethnic minority concerns and contributions within the life of the conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21300-CO-726-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference