Petition Text: 21342-GM-NonDis-O$

Understanding Petition Numbers



A mandate of the 1992 General Conference enabled the Special Program on Substance Abuse and Related Violence (SPSARV) to coordinate the drug and alcohol ministries of The United Methodist Church in a cooperative effort with the Council of Bishops. Its purpose has been to train, design and implement successful and effective programs and resources for its constituents to make a difference in their congregations and communities, and forge relationships with ecumenical partners.

The Inter-agency Task Force on SPSARV recommends the continuance of this programmatic thrust for the next quadrennium as the method used by the General Church to respond to the human needs related to drug use/abuse and related violence.

It is further recommended that:

* the General Conference ensures that special church-wide funding be continued at no less than the current level ($360,000) per year and that participating boards and agencies be encouraged to continue their financial and in-kind contributions.

* the General Conference authorizes changing the title of National Coordinator to International Director in order to address work in the Central Conferences.

* the collaborative administration of the program between the General Board of Global Ministries and the General Board of Church and Society be continued.

Proposed Budget - 1997-2000

Budget (1997-2000) - Per Year


1. Grants $100,00

2. Leadership Development and Training $ 50,000

3. Educational and Promotional Resources $ 30,000

4. Advocacy $ 25,000

Program Subtotal (per year) $ 205,000

Administrative /Support Services

1. Director (salary/related costs) - 3/4 time $ 47,000*

2. Coordinator (salary/related costs) $ 45,000

3. Travel $ 25,000

4. Support Staff (salary/related costs) $30,000

5. Interagency Task Force Meetings In-kind

Administrative Subtotal (per year) $ 155,000

Total Per Year $360,000

Quadrennial Total $1,440,000


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21342-GM-NonDis-O$
1996 United Methodist General Conference