Barrier-Free Construction for People with Disabilities
Be it resolved:
That Church monies from agencies of The United Methodist Church beyond the local church be granted, loaned, or otherwise provided only for the construction of church sanctuaries, educational buildings, parsonages, camps, colleges or other church-related agencies or facilities that meet minimum guidelines in their plans for barrier-free construction.
That local churches utilizing their own funds or funds secured through lending agencies and institutions beyond The United Methodist Church be urged to make adequate provision in their plans to insure that all new church buildings shall be of barrier-free construction.
That local churches be urged to adapt existing facilities through such programs as widening doorways, installing ramps and elevators, eliminating stairs where possible, providing handrails, adequate parking facilities, and rest rooms so that people with disabilities may take their appropriate place in the fellowship of the church.
That the appropriate national agencies provide technical information for local churches to assist in providing barrier-free facilities.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 21348-GM-R200-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference