Petition Text: 21363-GM-NonDis-O

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Whereas, the General Conference responded to the Los Angeles crisis of 1992 by creating a new strategy called Communities of Shalom which incorporates evangelism and community action by focusing on spiritual renewal, congregational development, community economic development, health, and strengthening race and class relationships;

The Communities of Shalom concept was piloted in seven communities in Greater Los Angeles and through struggle and determination enabled a new and comprehensive paradigm for ministry. The Communities of Shalom strategy has spread throughout the Church and in early 1996 engaged more than 250 urban and rural churches and community organizations in the United States and one in Africa;

The United Methodist Church through the General Board of Global Ministries in consultation with the National Shalom Committee designed and carried out a successful training and technical assistance program for those developing Communities of Shalom. These new resources are enabling churches and communities to develop and renew community life. The training has been utilized in 16 annual conferences and stimulates new enthusiasm and plans for creative ministry;

The need for Communities of Shalom within urban and rural areas continues to grow. Additional communities and churches in Los Angeles, the nation and the world are seeking effective ministry models that transform congregations, communities and individuals for God's ministry of shalom.

Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church:

Commend the ministry of churches and communities in Greater Los Angeles that pioneered the Communities of Shalom strategy;

Urge the continual expansion of Shalom ministries throughout the United States and the world for churches in urban and rural communities in crisis and transition;

Affirm the Shalom Committee and its continued work with the General Board of Global Ministries and other General Church agencies;

Mandate that The United Methodist Church at its General and local levels continue to collaborate with other denominations, businesses, and community organizations to transform congregations and communities through the Shalom strategy;

Charge all General Church agencies in the next quadrennium to explore and develop opportunities to work collaboratively to assist local churches with the Communities of Shalom strategy;

Endorse the solicitation of Shalom resources from foundations, corporations, government sources, individuals and churches utilizing the Advance, a foundation structure and other necessary strategies.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21363-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference