Petition Text: 21380-IC-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Our Christian heritage includes hearty critique of religious institutions, led by Old Testament prophets, Jesus of Nazareth, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Sojourner Truth, Evangeline Booth, Martin Luther King, Jr. and others. Their words and actions were necessary to call the people of God to goals of righteousness, justice and mercy. Their motives were to reform and heal, to bring purity through the refiner's fire.

The United Methodist Church endorses an open, uninhibited flow of information regarding its policies and actions. The church's health depends on an informed membership and the opportunity for that membership to participate in a non-threatening, responsible dialogue with church agencies and leaders.

Given its firm commitment to fair, accurate and truthful communication, the church today is deeply concerned about the miscommunication of information emanating from groups from within and outside the church. The goals of these groups seem more political than spiritual, more dedicated to tearing down than to building up. Their tactics are divisive and fracturing, rather than reconciling and healing.

Recent attacks on this denomination overlook or downplay the ways God is working through communities of faith. There is a growing spirituality in the United Methodist Church as evidenced by the tremendous success of the Disciple Bible Study program in which many thousands have participated. The "Walk to Emmaus," a Christian renewal effort, is experiencing steady growth around the world.

Today's United Methodist Church is doing substantial good around the world. We are in the Midwest, years after devastating floods, helping people recover. We are in South Florida easing the pain of Hurricane Andrew victims. The church is in Bosnia and Africa. In Oklahoma City, First United Methodist Church received $100,000 from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to help recover from the federal building bombing.

The United Methodist Church rests on a strong foundation of seeking to address society's ills. Ours is a communion which provides for diversity, guards the ability of pastors to preach the gospel and affirms the priesthood of all believers. Our connectional strengths are needed by a world clearly experiencing isolation, alienation and loneliness. Members deserve to rejoice in what their church is doing.

We encourage our critics to engage in a dialogue to make our church stronger. Recognizing the value of true theological diversity, The United Methodist Church calls for a discussion of church issues, using the honorable principles of truth, fairness and accuracy in reporting the words and actions of church people and agencies.

The United Methodist Church recognizes the right of any group to inform those who have common interests. It honors the idea of free speech in an open forum. And it encourages the healthy discussion of diverse viewpoints so long as it is conducted with dignity and respect.

To all who truly love the church and pray for its future we say, "Come, let us together listen to the Spirit of God, calling us to New Creation, where none are intimidated and all are valued for their gifts, passion and viewpoints. Let us share our pain and our dreams, that Christ's new church may be born through the travail."


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21380-IC-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference