Petition Text: 21404-DI-1210-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1210:

Cooperation.----The board shall cooperate with other boards and agencies as follows: 1. The board shall cooperate...

2. [Delete.]

32. The board, in cooperation with the General Board of Global Ministries, shall be responsible for developing a unified program of mission education for all age groups in the local church. and for developing aids for use in colleges, universities, and schools of theology. The board shall cooperate with the General Board of Global Ministries in the interest of effective mission education. The mission education program shall include provisions for the following:

f) Developing and interpreting models for new approaches to mission study and educational participation in mission, including travel and study seminars;

g) [Delete existing text.] Providing information regarding educational criteria to the staff of the General Board of Global Ministries for use in certifying leaders for schools of mission;

43. The board shall have authority to cooperate with the jurisdictional, Annual Conference, district, and local church agencies responsible for education, with other agencies of the Church, defined organizations, and with ecumenical agencies in cooperative enterprises to further the cause of Christian education to promote the ministry of Christian education.

5. [Delete.]

64. The board is authorized to cooperate...

7. [Delete.]

8. [Delete.]


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21404-DI-1210-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference