Petition Text: 21408-DI-1216-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1216 and ¶ 1217:

Ministry of the Laity.--The board shall interpret and spread through the Church all the rich meanings of the universal priesthood of believers, of Christian vocation, and of the ministry of the laity in daily life.

The United Methodist Church...charged with developing discipleship. To this end, the board shall:

¶ 1217. Lay Leadership and Ministry Development Responsibilities.--1. To hHelp develop an adequate understanding of the theological and biblical basis for ministry of the laity.

2. To dDevelop and interpret ministry of the laity both within and without inside and outside the institutional Church.

3. To pProvide resources, and support services, and designs for the development...Committees on Nominations and Personnel, and those who serve as lay leaders, and lay members of Annual Conferences and leaders of related organizations in local churches, districts, Annual Conferences and jurisdictions.

4. [Delete existing text.] Assist congregations, districts and Annual Conferences in equipping persons for leadership in community ministries.

5. To pProvide resources and suggested plans for the observance of Laity Day Sunday in the local church.

6. To pProvide resources and support services for the lay speaking ministry,; includinges standards for the local church lay speaker and certified lay speaker and designs and resources...

7. To pProvide support services...

8. To iInitiate a process of coordination...

9. Encourage Oordained elders may to select and train laity lay members with appropriate words and actions to immediately deliver distribute the consecrated communion elements as soon as feasible to sick or homebound persons following a service of Word and Table members confined at home, in a nursing home, or in a hospital


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21408-DI-1216-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference