Petition Text: 21409-DI-1218-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1218:

Christian Discipleship Formation Responsibilities.---The board shall: 1. To iInterpret the basics of Christian living discipleship in accordance with the general rule of discipleship: To through groups that witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, faith-sharing, justice, worship, and devotion, faith-sharing, study, and contemplation, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

2. To pProvide resources, training, and support services...

3. To pProvide resources, training, and support services for revitalizing the role of Class Leaders (¶269), so that they may interpret the general rule of discipleship (acts of compassion, faith-sharing, justice, worship, and devotion and faith-sharing) to all church members, and thereby nurture congregations through such means of grace as prayer and Bible study in the privileges and obligations of their discipleship.

4. Provide resources, training, and support services for leaders in various small groups that emerge to meet the needs of people in congregations.

45. To pProvide interpretative resources and training for the grounding of Covenant Discipleship Groups, Class Leaders, and other forms of congregational leadership small group leadership, in the richness of the Methodist Wesleyan tradition.

56. To pProvide resources and support services which link the basic guidelines of the general rule of discipleship (acts of compassion, faith-sharing, justice, worship, and devotion) with more particular dimensions of that equip persons for faithful Christian living in the world, and especially those program areas for which the General Board of Discipleship has responsibility.

67. To pProvide consultative services to jurisdictions, conferences, and districts, in the introduction and development of Covenant Discipleship Groups, and Class Leaders, and small group ministries in congregations.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21409-DI-1218-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference