Petition Text: 21410-DI-1219-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 1219 and replace with new text incorporating ¶¶ 1220 and 1222:

Age-Level and Family Ministries.--The board will provide for an integrated and coordinated approach in development of resources and service support for ministries with children, youth, adults of all ages and families. Through its services to administrative and coordinating leaders the board will assist congregations and conferences to:

a) Build knowledge for development of ministries which support the primary task of the local congregation;

b) Provide for the development and nurture of persons at all age levels and stages of growth; and families in diverse configurations;

c) Assist individuals and families in spiritual development and growth;

d) Promote the making and keeping of covenants as foundations for family living.

The board will also engage in research and testing; consultation and training; and collaborative planning so as to enhance the delivery of resources and services to leaders with age-level and family ministries responsibilities.

1. Comprehensive Children s Ministries.--The board will assist congregations and conferences in developing comprehensive ministries for and with children. Such ministries may include, but not be limited to:

Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, weekday ministries for preschool and elementary ages, fellowship and neighborhood groups, scouting ministries, short term studies and activities within and outside the church facilities. Ministries should focus on Biblical foundations, prayer and spiritual formation, community service, personal worth through Jesus Christ, human sexuality, values, United Methodist studies, creative and fine arts, multicultural awareness, outreach to others, and celebration of significant moments in children s lives.

Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: assisting congregations to be advocates on behalf of children, identifying the needs and concerns of children, their families and congregations, assessing the status of ministries with children in The United Methodist Church, collecting and disseminating pertinent data on issues, models, and programs which inform the leaders in congregations and church structures to strengthen the quality of life of children.

2. Comprehensive Youth Ministry.--There shall be a comprehensive approach to development and implementation of youth ministry programming at all levels of the Church. [Insert the remainder of ¶ 1222 in its entirety.]

3. Comprehensive Adult Ministries.--The board will assist congregations and conferences in developing comprehensive ministries by, with, and for adults. In keeping with the primary task of the board, adult ministries may include but need not be limited to: education and ministries with young adults, middle adults, older adults, and single adults (i.e., widowed, always single, separated, and divorced); and, intergenerational programs involving adults. Such a plan would include biblical foundation and study, developmental stages and tasks of adults, faith development and spiritual formation, and leadership training in various models of adult educational ministries.

Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: identifying the needs and concerns of adults (i.e., young adults, middle adults, older adults, and single adults), assessing the status of ministries by, with, and for adults in The United Methodist Church, collecting and disseminating pertinent data on issues, models, and programs which inform the leaders in local congregations, district, conferences, boards, and agencies to strengthen the quality of faith and life of adults.

4. Comprehensive Family Ministries.--The board will assist congregations and conferences in developing comprehensive ministries with families. In alignment with the primary task, the ministries may assist families in the following areas: spiritual formation and development, marital growth ministries, parenting, human sexuality, care-giving and issues affecting the quality of family life. Such a plan would include: biblical exploration and study, theological, experiential understandings of family life, and the evolving patterns of family living. Ministries with families will focus on persons rather than structures.

The board may organize and administer a Committee on Family Life. The Committee will provide an arena for information sharing, collaboratively planning, and/or cooperative programming in alignment with the purpose and responsibilities of representative participants. The Committee will serve as advocates for ministries with families in all boards and agencies.

Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: identifying the needs and concerns of families and of congregations, assessing the status of ministries with families in The United Methodist Church, collecting and disseminating pertinent data on issues, models, and programs which inform the work of the boards and agencies to strengthen the quality of family life. The committee will relate to and provide liaison services to ecumenical and interdenominational agencies in the area of family life.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21410-DI-1219-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference