1. [Delete existing text.] Christ constitutes the Church as his Body by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13, 27). The Church draws new persons into itself as it seeks to remain faithful to its commission to proclaim and exemplify the Gospel. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation and incorporation into the Body of Christ. An infant, child, or adult who is baptized becomes a member of the catholic (universal) Church, of the denomination, and of the local congregation. (See ¶ 209.) After baptism, the Church provides the nurture which makes possible a comprehensive and lifelong process of growing in grace.
a) Baptized infants and children are to be instructed and nurtured in the meaning of the faith, the rights and responsibilities of their baptism and in spiritual and moral formation, using materials approved by The United Methodist Church. Using the Services of the Baptismal Covenant youth will profess their faith, commit themselves to a life of discipleship and be confirmed. Confirmation is both a human act of commitment and the gracious action of the Holy Spirit strengthening and empowering discipleship.
b) Youth and adults who have not been baptized and who are seeking to be saved from their sins and profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, are proper candidates for baptism in The United Methodist Church. It shall be the duty of the congregation, led by the pastor, to instruct them in the meaning of baptism, in the meaning of the Christian faith, and the history, organization, and teachings of The United Methodist Church, using materials approved by The United Methodist Church for that purpose. After the completion of the period of nurture and instruction, the sponsor(s) and pastor shall bring them before the congregation and administer the Services of Baptismal Covenant in which persons are baptized, confirmed and received into the Church.
2. [Delete existing text.] a) Formation in the baptismal covenant and in the call to ministry in daily life is a lifelong process and is carried on through all the activities which have educational value. The pastor gives specific leadership that prepares youth for their profession of faith and commitment to discipleship, and for the Holy Spirit s action confirming them in their faith and empowering their discipleship. This preparation focuses attention upon the meaning of discipleship and the need for professing members to be in mission in all of life s relationships.
b) There are many occasions as persons mature in the faith when the Holy Spirit s confirming action may be celebrated, such as in the reaffirmation of the baptismal covenant or other services related to life passages. Unlike baptism, which is a once-made covenant and can only be reaffirmed, not repeated, confirmation is a dynamic action of the Holy Spirit that can be repeated.
3. Preparation for the experience of confirmation
profession of faith and confirmation shall be provided for all
candidates for full membership persons, including
adults,. but
yYouth who are completing the sixth grade shall
normally be the youngest persons recruited for confirmation preparation
and full membership such preparation. When younger persons, of
their own volition, seek enrollment in confirmation
preparation for profession of faith and confirmation, such preparation
shall be at the discretion of the pastor.
4. Persons in preparation for full membership make up the preparatory
roll of the church. All baptized persons, including infants,
children, youth, and adults shall be listed on the
preparatory membership roll Roll of Baptized Members.
and other persons who have declared their interest in church membership
and have been rolled in confirmation preparation may be listed as preparatory
members. (See also ¶¶ 223,
5. Statistics of church membership are counts of professing members rather than of all baptized members.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 21430-DI-216-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference