Petition Text: 21442-DI-230-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 230:

While primary responsibility...which have been solemnly assumed, it is acknowledged that the degree to which the congregation performs its obligation to care for one another can have an impact on personal commitment. Therefore when members publicly lapse in the performance of their vows of membership, if the member should be neglectful of that responsibility, these the following procedures

shall be followed:

1. [Delete existing text.] The pastor shall make it a matter of priority pastoral care to visit or to provide for a caring person to visit with such persons. The purpose of such visits is to express the love and care of the congregation and to learn the reasons for their absence.

2. [Delete existing text.] Should such persons continue to be regularly absent, their names shall be reported to the Administrative Council or the Administrative Board, which shall do all in its power to reenlist the member in the active fellowship of the Church. Members of the Administrative Council or the Administrative Board shall pray for the re-activation of the members. Wherever possible, representatives from the Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall visit the member to express the care and concern of the congregation and the hope for the member to return to active participation in the congregation.

If reconciliation is impossible, the member can (a) be transferred to another United Methodist Church where the member will be a participating member, (b) arrange transfer to a congregation of another denomination, or (c) request withdrawal. If the member does not comply with any of the alternatives over a period of three years, the member's name may be removed.

3. [Delete existing text.] The Administrative Council or Administrative Board shall annually review the manner in which persons are incorporated into the worship, fellowship, and service ministries of the congregation in an effort to improve the system and prevent persons becoming inactive.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21442-DI-230-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference