Petition Text: 21520-MN-448-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 448 and replace with new text:

Leave of Absence.----This relationship is granted to clergy who are probationary, associate, and full members who choose to take a break from ministry on a temporary basis.

1. The pastor's request should be made at least ninety (90) days prior to annual conference and is presumed to be for the following year unless otherwise specifically stated by the pastor.

2. If the pastor needs to take a break sooner, the Cabinet shall review the reasons with the pastor and work out the ad interim time.

3. The clergy session of the annual conference will vote whether or not to grant the leave.

4. To return to appointment, the pastor should give the Cabinet notice six (6) months before annual conference, though the Cabinet may be able to work out something in less time. The Cabinet may grant an appointment between annual conference sessions if the pastor requests it and the Cabinet can work it out.

5. While on leave, the pastor is to choose a charge conference of a church in the conference of residence and, if residing outside the annual conference of membership, also in a charge conference of the annual conference of membership. The annual report of pastoral activities is to be turned in to both. While the pastor is under the supervision of the pastor of the charge conference of residence, pastoral activity is not restricted to the church of the charge conference.

6. If living outside the conference of membership while on leave, the pastor may seek affiliate membership in the annual conference of residence. The right of vote at conference shall be in the conference of membership only. Membership on conference or district committees may be in both conferences.

7. While the pastor is on leave, other than availability of appointment and other rights indicated here, the rights and responsibilities of the pastor under ¶ 423 are retained.

8. In order for a pastor to stay on leave for more than five consecutive years, the conference must support the request by a two-thirds majority.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21520-MN-448-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference