Petition Text: 21565-FA-716.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend the second sentence of ¶ 716.1a(2):

1. a)(2) ...The treasurer shall, from the share received for conference benevolences, credit monthly the accounts of the several agencies or causes included in the conference benevolences budget or make monthly remittances to the treasurers of such agencies or causes according to the rightful share and proportion of each (¶ 711.3a), or in accordance with any revisions or adjustments in the budget approved under the provisions of [new subparagraph in ¶711--page 10 of GCFA petitions]. The monthly credit or remittance to each agency or cause may be either on ratio, reflecting its proportionate share of the total conference benevolences budget, or according to a payment schedule approved...

[The provisions of this paragraph shall take effect immediately upon adjournment of the 1996 General Conference. If this or similar legislation is adopted, it is recommended that the General Conference request a Judicial Council decision as to its constitutionality, meaning, application, and effect, and that, if possible, the Judicial Council report its decision to the 1996 General Conference before its adjournment.]


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21565-FA-716.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference