8. a)(2) be authorized to gather from all general agencies, at such
intervals as it may determine, information regarding salary remuneration and
pay equity and the number of agency employees and staff and the
salary paid each such employee or staff member; salary information shall be
collected by job classification or title only.
b)(1) prepare quadrennially, review annually, and recommend to the
council an appropriate salary schedule, based on responsibilities, for
exempt executive staff personnel of the councils,
boards, and commissions represented on the committee; (2) develop and recommend
to the council a schedule of benefits for an employee benefit program for
agency personnel of agencies represented on the
committee and any changes required thereto from time to time;
and (3) receive from agencies and institutions receiving
general church funds (see petition #21584) statements regarding their
compliance with the policy stated in ¶ 911.1; and (4) receive from all
general agencies information necessary to evaluate pay equity. Based on
these statements ...
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 21579-FA-907.8-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference