Petition Text: 21604-IC-R248-U

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Delete the currrent resolution and replace with the following:

Elimination of Racism in The United Methodist Church

Whereas, the General Commission on Religion and Race has identified the persistent presence of racism within our lives and within local churches, annual conferences, jurisdictional structure, general agencies, seminaries, and other institutions, as one of the underlying causes for the inability of the denomination to become the true community of shalom; and

Whereas, we profess an understanding of the will of God and a willingness to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ; and

Whereas, we realize the necessity to engage regularly in events/activities which will enable us to grow toward Christ-like perfection;

Therefore, the General Commission on Religion and Race petitions:

1. That the 1996 General Conference calls on all local churches, districts, annual conferences, jurisdictional structures, seminaries, general agencies, institutions, and the Council of Bishops to make the eradication of racism a priority in all of their agendas and to commit themselves to the eradication of racism--attitudinal, behavioral, cultural, and institutional.

2. That all local churches, districts, annual conferences, jurisdictional structures, seminaries, general agencies and institutions develop a clear Affirmative Action policy with goals and time lines so as to insure and reflect the rich racial and ethnic diversity of the United Methodist Church.

3. That all local congregations, districts, annual conferences, jurisdictional structures, general agencies, seminaries, and institutions examine and re-write as needed policies, practices and procedures in order to ensure the full participation and contribution of racial-ethnic minority persons within the life of the denomination.

4. That all local congregations, districts and annual conferences through the work areas on religion and race, district directors of religion and race and conference commissions on religion and race provide on-going opportunities for cross-racial and inter-ethnic dialogue.

5. That the annual conferences, Colleges of Bishops and seminaries of the North Central Jurisdiction, Northeastern Jurisdiction and South Central Jurisdiction participate in the General Commission's Anti-Racism Training Program during the 1997-2000 quadrennium.

6. That the district boards, annual conference boards and agencies, jurisdictional boards and agencies, general agencies, seminaries, denomination-related institutions, and the Council of Bishops provide for their staff and members of their policy-making organizations skills training in interpersonal communication and inter-cultural communication.

7. That on or before August 1, 1999, annual conferences, jurisdictional structures, general agencies, seminaries, denomination-related institutions report to the General Commission on Religion and Race the status of their efforts to eradicate the sin of racism.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21604-IC-R248-U
1996 United Methodist General Conference