Petition Text: 21660-GM-731-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 731:

1. The Annual Conference shall organize a Board of Global Ministries or an equivalent other structure to which shall maintain the connectional relationship and provide for global ministries responsibilities...

2. [Add at end.] A person or persons serving as member(s) of the General Board of Global Ministries from the Annual Conference shall, by virtue of their office, be member(s) of the conference Board of Global Ministries (see ¶707.5 and 810.5).

5. h) Responsibilities of the subcommittees on Town and Country Ministries shall include the following:

(1) consulting with the bishop,...and in initiating and strengthening these ministries;

(2) developing of a comprehensive related missional strategy...for purposes of larger geographical coordination; and

(3) initiating and/or assisting with programs to deal with needs such as:

(a) local church/community outreach organization and development;

(b) ministries with specialized consistences and sectors of community life, agricultural and industrial production and other issue-oriented ministries;

(c) the development and strengthening of regional and/or national networks and/or associations;

(d) ethnic and language groups;

(e) churches in transitional communities;

(f) small membership churches;

(g) the impact of oppressive systems on town and country and urban people and their communities; and

(h) to fulfill other functions as related to the objectives and scope of work of the National Division, General Board of Global Ministries as set forth in ¶1414.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21660-GM-731-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference