Petition Text: 21661-GJ-1412.1-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 1412:

1. accord with ¶ 805.1. Each annual conference shall have representation from this category on the General Board of Global Ministries at least once within a three quadrennia period. The jurisdictions shall use the following formula when electing members: Northeastern- 7; Southeastern- 8; Western- 4; North Central- 7; and South Central- 9 (at least one of whom shall be from either the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference or the Rio Grande Annual Conference). Each Central Conference shall elect one member to the basic membership of the board for a total of eight (8), including at least one member from the Nigeria Annual Conference. The additional members ...The committee is to be convened by the president of the board, or if there be none, the secretary of the Council of Bishops. There shall be one (1) additional member from each of the five jurisdictions (the member from the South Central Jurisdiction shall be from either the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference or the Rio Grande Annual Conference, unless they are already represented in the basic membership of the board). There shall be five (5) additional members from the Central Conferences elected from those nominated according to ¶¶ 805.1c, 805.2c(1). An intentional effort shall be made to rotate representation among the Central Conferences.

6. In addition to the episcopal members provided for by ¶ 805, oOn nomination of the Council of Bishops, the General Conference shall elect to the board thirteen (13) bishops; at least one bishop from each jurisdiction, and at least three Central Conference Bishops, and each Central Conference shall elect to the board one clergy, one laywoman, and one layman


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21661-GJ-1412.1-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference