Petition Text: 21682-GJ-NonDis-O

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Background and Mandate

The 1992 General Conference approved Calendar Item 967 in the Daily Christian Advocate, page 354. The General Council on Ministries was asked to continue a Task Force on Spanish Language Resources during the 1993-96 quadrennium to continue the coordination of materials in Spanish.

Process and Implementation

The task force met four times during the quadrennium, usually in conjunction with the Committee on Hispanic Ministries. Three members of the General Council on Ministries comprised the task force with representatives of the general agencies and representatives of MARCHA, the Hispanic caucus, participating as observers.

At each meeting, the task force heard reports from each agency on the development of Spanish Language Resources. It also discussed with agency representatives the unmet needs for resources in Spanish.

A major topic of discussion was each agency's response to the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries. The task force commended the agencies for the increased volume of Spanish resources and the cooperation with the national plan.

In September 1995 the task force celebrated the completion of two comprehensive Spanish Resource Catalogs during the quadrennium. These catalogs were a cooperative effort of GCOM and the general agencies, produced by the General Board of Publication (UMPH). Each catalog was evaluated and improvements made in planning for the next edition. The next catalog is expected to be published in April 1997.

The task force provided consultation as requested for the new Spanish Hymnal, Mil Voces Para Celebrar, and with El Interprete, the program journal in Spanish.

A writers' workshop for Spanish writers is being planned for early in the 1997-2000 quadrennium as an interagency project and a brochure including each agency's materials for the National Plan for Hispanic Ministries is being developed for October 1996.


That during the 1997-2000 quadrennium, the General Council on Ministries continue a Task Force on Spanish Language Resources to continue the coordination of Spanish language materials.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21682-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference