Petition Text: 21696-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Joint Report of the General Council on Ministries, the General Council on Finance and Administration and the Council of Bishops

Background and Mandate

The 1992 General Conference requested that the General Council on Ministries, the Council of Bishops and the General Council on Finance and Administration develop a missional priority proposal on "Crisis in the Cities" for consideration by the 1996 General Conference (plenary action, May 11, 1992, DCA p. 388-9).  These three Councils have consulted about this General Conference referral and have determined work in the area of Urban Ministry has already been underway within the general program boards. They also have noted that GCOM has considered this critical need along with other urgent needs facing the Church and society.

Process and Implementation

These three Councils are aware of the need to highlight the urgency that the denomination continue its focus on the urban crisis. They have consulted during the quadrennium and gathered extensive information on how the church has been and is responding to issues facing cities and to the crises which are present in many urban settings. (See attached chart) Following consultation among the three councils, it was decided that GCOM would move forward with gathering information from the general program boards about their work in this regard. They have indicated involvement with urban ministries at various levels within their respective structures.

After consideration of this information and material, the three Councils have determined not to recommend a formal missional priority proposal for "crisis in the cities." However, they have identified areas of concern to share with the wider church.

Since the 1992 General Conference, the church has responded and is responding to issues of the cities and related urban concerns in a variety of ways. Some specific examples are:  

The Shalom Zone response (also a 1992 General Conference action).

The National Urban Ministry Convocation in Birmingham, Alabama, February 2-5, 1995.

Many annual conferences and local churches have implemented programs in response to the need.

General agency programs and emphases aimed at addressing these vital concerns. Accompanying this report is specific information received from the four program boards describing their involvement in response to the crisis in the cities.

Recommendation and Summary of Urban Initiatives

As we continue to be involved in responding to mission and ministry needs, we call on the church to respond. We stress the importance and urgency of The United Methodist Church to continue to be in ministry in the cities. We urge continued awareness of and response to the concerns of urban centers. As part of responding to this challenge, GCOM will continue to monitor the church's awareness and response to the "Crisis in the Cities."

The attached chart is a summary of categories of urban ministry provided by the four general program agencies of The United Methodist Church during the 1993-96 quadrennium. Supporting documentation from the general program agencies is on file at the GCOM office.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21696-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference