Petition Text: 21704-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Background and Mandate

Action by the 1992 General Conference approved Calendar Item 33 on page 168 of the Daily Christian Advocate and created a national committee on deaf ministries to be accountable to the General Board of Global Ministries. Several other recommendations for all general agencies call for evaluation and development of all programs related to deaf, deafened and hard of hearing persons.

Specifically, the General Council on Ministries was asked to "give priority to the development of coordinated research at all levels of the church to provide demographic information concerning programs, needs and opportunities by, with and for deaf, deafened and hard of hearing persons in The United Methodist Church."

The GCOM was particularly blessed during the 1993-96 quadrennium to have Ms. Holly Elliott as a member. Holly Elliott has been a leader and advocate for programs and ministry with and for hearing impaired persons. She was a representative from GCOM to the National Committee on Deaf Ministries and also gave valuable assistance to the GCOM Office of Research in response to the 1992 research assignment mentioned above.

Process and Implementation

The General Council on Ministries through its Division on Research, Planning and Futuring sought information about existing data about deaf ministries. In consultation with the United Methodist National Committee on Deaf Ministries, a draft of a questionnaire was developed to gather demographic information and the extent of ministries by, with and for the deaf.

The survey was sent to each active bishop and annual conference council on ministries director, requesting that it be utilized at the 1994 charge conferences as a part of the Annual Disability Audit for each congregation.

By March 1, 1995, a total of 6,315 local congregations had responded to the survey. The survey generated 972 requests for additional information about deaf ministry opportunities and information concerning the United Methodist Congress on the Deaf. A mailing list of local churches requesting this information was attached as an appendix.

The United Methodist National Committee on Deaf Ministries is utilizing the data from the church-wide survey to develop needed programs and resources.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21704-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference