Petition Text: 21707-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


The Book of Discipline, 1992 states that the General Council on Ministries has the responsibility to sponsor in cooperation with the general program-related agencies through the general secretaries, a quadrennial joint training event for annual conference program-related agencies. (¶ 1006.11e).

The General Council on Ministries staff, in consultation with the general secretaries of general program-related agencies and the conference council directors, sponsored five joint training events in fall/winter, 1992-93. Conference council directors selected participants from their conference in specified program areas. Ten general agencies (GCOM, GBCS, GBOD, GBGM, GBHEM, GCAH, GCOC, GCCUIC, GCORR, and GCSRW) provided leadership for twenty-two workshops. A total of 1,700 annual conference leaders and staff were trained.

Each of the three-day events provided basic training and information for annual conference leaders, encouraged more effective coordination in annual conference programs through the conference councils on ministries, enhanced relationships and networking among annual conference leaders and general agency staff, and provided an arena for on-going networking among leadership within each annual conference. Cokesbury made church resources available for purchase at each of the event sites. Each event began with a keynote speaker, and there was a worship service each day. Annual conferences were provided time for meetings with their leaders.

General church funding for the events for on-site expenses and a travel pool were provided to the General Council on Ministries by funds made available by the General Council on Finance and Administration. Annual conferences covered the remaining transportation and meal costs, and the other general agencies provided the workshop leadership and resources.

Event evaluations and comments were solicited from all participants. The evaluations confirmed that the event was worthwhile and informative, and comments and suggestions about specific workshops were forwarded to the general agency providing leadership.

Sites for five Joint Training Events to take place in November 1996 and January 1997 have been secured. GCOM has consulted with some conference council directors and general agencies to make preparations for the 1996-97 events.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21707-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference