Petition Text: 21708-GJ-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers



The 1992 General Conference adopted Calendar Item 1001, page 357 of the Daily Christian Advocate. The action of this Calendar Item "recommended that the GCOM, GCFA, and the United Methodist Publishing House continue to coordinate efforts related to telecommunications,...and, in cooperation with the general program-related agencies, develop a plan and implement a Central Ordering System which will utilize the technology of telecommunications for the ordering of resources".


During the 1993-96 quadrennium, GCOM participated in an interagency development of a comprehensive long distance telephone plan for church agencies and other groups. This plan began on June 1, 1995, and at the end of the first year cost savings to GCOM are estimated to be $7,952. Anticipated savings to GCOM in the new quadrennium are estimated to be $31,808. This interagency effort demonstrates how, working together, efficiency and savings of church funds are possible. (For more information on this cooperative telephone plan, see GCFA Report No. 11, item 11.)

In other areas of telecommunications, GCOM was represented on the GCFA Computer Information Standards Committee (CISCo). During the quadrennium this council has also expanded and enhanced its computer system and is moving toward full involvement in expanding areas of telecommunication, including the Internet and World Wide Web. GCOM anticipates consulting and cooperating with United Methodist Communications in its work in these areas.

A meeting of staff representatives of the General Council on Ministries, the General Council on Finance and Administration and the United Methodist Publishing House reviewed the General Conference referral. Central Ordering was defined as requests from a United Methodist customer (e.g. local church and annual conference) ordering resources developed/produced by United Methodist general agencies from a single source. Some options which were considered for achieving Central Ordering included 1) a central listing of resources available and where to order them; 2) a central information source (e.g. toll-free phone number or catalog); 3) a central phone number with transfer capability (available technologically) to appropriate supplying source; and, 4) a central phone number to place orders. The general program-related agencies were surveyed for information about resources and materials they make available to local churches and annual conferences. The responses revealed a varied assortment of resources and materials currently being ordered by and distributed to churches and conferences.

A Consultation on Central Ordering was held in July 1995, with representatives from the program-related agencies. Each agency shared their current procedures for fulfilling requests. The services offered through Infoserv were also reviewed, since some requests require additional information prior to placing an order. It was determined that more data was needed to know the extent to which central ordering would be utilized, the type of resources being ordered and the costs associated with such a system. Cokesbury provided a one-month feasibility study of a central ordering system in January 1996. The costs associated with this test were cared for by the General Council on Finance and Administration. Announcements of the test period was included in church publications such as Interpreter, El Interpreté, United Methodist Family, Circuit Rider, United Methodist News Service and Newscope and sent directly to bishops, conference council directors, district superintendents and conference editors of news publications. During January, United Methodists were able to order current resources developed/produced by United Methodist general agencies by calling the Cokesbury toll-free number. If Cokesbury did not have stock of the particular item, it faxed the order to the appropriate general agency to fulfill the request. An analysis of this test period was made and will be reported to the 1996 General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21708-GJ-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference