Whereas, some historically black colleges and universities of American Methodism wish to participate in E. I. I. A.; and
Whereas, legal counsel to the Board of Higher Education and Ministries of the United Methodist Church has recommended that a corporation of African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, and Christian Methodist Episcopal colleges and universities be formed to establish eligibility for E. I. I. A.;
Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Higher Education Subgroup request that a corporation be formed to facilitate participation of African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, and Christian Methodist Episcopal colleges and universities in E. I. I. A.; and
Further, that the Commission on Pan-Methodist Cooperation be incorporated to facilitate this activity as well as future activities within the purpose of the Commission.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 21724-HE-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference