Petition Text: 21741-MN-109-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Delete ¶ 109 and replace with new text:

¶ 109 1. Connectionalism in the United Methodist tradition is multilevelled, global in spread, and local in thrust.

2. For us connectionalism is not merely a linking of one connectional charge conference to another horizontally across the globe. It is rather a vital wed of interactive and intertwining relationships that enable us to express freely, justly, and in dignity at both global and local levels our essential identity, inclusive fellowship, common mission, distinctive ethos, and visible unity.

3. We are connected by sharing a common tradition of faith, including our Doctrinal Standards and General Rules (¶ 67); by sharing together a constitutional polity, including a leadership of general superintendency; by sharing a common mission which we seek to carry out together both globally and locally; by working together organizationally in and through conferences that reflect the inclusive and missional character of our fellowship; by sharing a common ethos which characterizes our distinctive way of doing things.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21741-MN-109-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference