Petition Text: 21750-MN-108-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber existing ¶ 108 as ¶ 115 and amend:

Within the people of God, there are those called to the representative ministry--ordained and diaconal servant leadership, lay and ordained. Such callings are evidenced by special gifts, evidence of God's grace, and promise of usefulness. God's call to representative ministry servant leadership is inward as it comes to the individual and outward through the judgment discernment and validation of the Church. When inner and outer call agree and are affirmed by the local congregation, persons may be commissioned as Lay Ministry Stewards. The call of candidates for ordination shall be further affirmed through recommendation by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry and election by an the Annual Conference, the candidate may then be ordained or consecrated, according to such election through symbolic acts which confer special roles of responsibility.

The privilege of servant leadership in the Church is the call to share in the preparation of congregations and the whole church for the mission of God in the world. The obligation of servant leadership is the forming of Christian disciples in the covenant community of the congregation. This involves discerning and nurturing the spiritual relationship with God that is the privilege of all servant ministers. It also involves instructing and guiding Christian disciples in their witness to Jesus Christ in the world through acts of worship, devotion, compassion, and justice, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. John Wesley described this as "watching over one another in love."


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21750-MN-108-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference