Petition Text: 21821-MN-306-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new ¶ 306:

Candidacy for Licensed and Ordained Ministry. A person, upon hearing and heeding the call to servant leadership through ordained ministry, shall contact the pastor of the local church, another ordained deacon or elder, or the district superintendent, to begin the process as an inquiring candidate.

The following process, resourced  by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is the first set of formal steps through which a person moves toward ordination and Conference membership. All persons entering into this process shall receive written communication about decisions made regarding the different stages of their candidacy.

1. The Inquiring Candidate shall contact the pastor in the local church or another ordained deacon or elder; obtain and read the book The Christian as Minister and discuss it with the pastor in the local church or another ordained deacon or elder.

2. The Exploring Candidate. Those seeking to explore candidacy for ordained ministry:

a) shall have been a member in good standing of the same local United Methodist congregation for at least two years immediately preceding the application for candidacy, including a year of service in some form of congregational leadership, either in that local church or one agreed to by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry, provided that in the case of an affiliate member, there has been a consultation with and approval by the Charge Conference of the home church;

b) shall apply to the district superintendent in writing for admission to the candidacy studies as defined by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; and

c) shall be assigned as an exploring candidate to a candidacy mentor by the district committee on ordained ministry and complete the preliminary studies that will focus on the spiritual discernment of the call after proper registration through the annual conference candidacy registrar and the Board of Ordained Ministry.

3. Declared Candidate for Ordination. Declared candidates are those who have completed the exploratory process in ¶ 306.2 and who seek to become certified candidates. They shall:

a) consult with the pastor and Committee on Pastor-Staff Parish Relations after formulating a written statement reflecting their call to ministry and requesting recommendation for certification. The candidate shall be interviewed by the committee on his/her statement and Wesley's historic questions in ¶ 335.

b) be recommended by the Charge Conference in accordance with the following method. A meeting for the purpose of recommending a candidate for ordained ministry shall be preceded by at least two public announcements and shall be held in the presence of the bishop, district superintendent or an authorized elder, who shall counsel with those present regarding the ability and qualifications of the applicant and make plain the importance of such recommendation to the candidate for ordination as deacon. To be valid such a recommendation shall be:

i) voted by written ballot by two-thirds of the Charge Conference present at this meeting, provided that in the case of an affiliate member, there has been a consultation with and approval by the Charge Conference of the home church; and

ii) have been graduated from an accredited high school or received a certificate of equivalency.

c) continue the candidacy studies for ordained ministry with a mentor.

4. The Certified Candidate. Candidates who have completed the requirements of ¶ 306.2, 3 and desire to be certified as candidates for ordination as deacons shall:

a) appear before the District Committee on Ordained Ministry for examination;

b) complete the psychological tests required;

c) submit a written response providing evidence of understanding and expectation concerning the following:

i) The most formative experiences of your Christian life.

ii) God's call to ordained ministry and the role of the church in your call.

iii) Reflect on your year's experience in leadership in the congregation.

iv) Your future usefulness as a minister in The United Methodist Church.

v) Your personal beliefs as a Christian.

vi) Your personal gifts for ministry.

vi) How your personal relationships may affect your future ministry.

d) submit a written response providing evidence of understanding the ministry of deacon and the ministry of the elder within The United Methodist Church;

e) provide other information as may be required for determining gifts, evidence of God's grace, fruit, and demonstration of the call for the ministry of deacon; and

f) agree for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in the world and the most effective witness of the gospel, and in consideration of their influence as ministers, to make a complete dedication of themselves to the highest ideals of the Christian life as set forth in ¶¶66-76. To this end agree to exercise responsible self-control by personal habits conducive to bodily health, mental and emotional maturity, fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and growth in grace and the knowledge and love of God.

(See footnote #4 page 205 in current Book of Discipline.)


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21821-MN-306-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference