Petition Text: 21822-MN-307-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add a new ¶ 307:

Continuation of Candidacy. The progress of candidates shall be reviewed and candidacy renewed annually. Candidacy may be renewed by the district Committee on Ordained Ministry (¶ 756) on recommendation of the Charge Conference and on evidence that the candidate's gifts, fruits and evidence of God's grace continue to be satisfactory and that the candidate is making satisfactory progress in the required studies.

1. A candidate preparing for ordination as deacon who is enrolled as a student in a school, college, university or school of theology recognized by the University Senate shall present annually to the district Committee on Ordained Ministry an official transcript from the school the person is attending.

The transcript shall be considered by the district Committee on Ordained Ministry along with other evidence that the candidate's gifts, evidence of God's grace, and fruit continue to be satisfactory. An annual personal interview with the candidate is recommended.

2. A person who is a certified candidate or who is in the candidacy process may have her/his status or studies accepted by another district committee in the same or another Annual Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21822-MN-307-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference