Petition Text: 21832-MN-316-D

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The Ministry of Deacons. From among the baptized, deacons are called by God to a lifetime of servant leadership, authorized by the church and ordained by a bishop. Deacons fulfill servant ministry in the world and relate the gathered life of Christians to their ministry in the world, interrelating the altar to the marketplace. Deacons give leadership in the church's life: in the teaching and proclamation of the word; in worship, and in assisting the elders in the administration of the Sacraments; in forming and nurturing disciples, in conducting marriages and burying the dead; in the congregation's mission to the world and in interpreting the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world to the congregation.

It is the deacons, in both person and function, whose distinctive ministry is to embody, articulate, and lead the whole people of God in its servant ministry. From the earliest days of the church, deacons were called and set apart for the ministry of love, justice, and service; of connecting the church with the most needy, neglected, and marginalized among the children of God. This ministry grows out of the Wesleyan passion for social holiness and ministry among the poor.

Deacons lead the congregation in its servant ministry and equip and support all baptized Christians in their ministry. This essential ministry of servant leadership continues within those deacons who are called, authorized, and ordained as elders, who make servanthood a primary and central style of life and work.

The distinct ministry of the deacon has evolved in United Methodism over many years-- the continuing work of the deaconess, the home missionary, and the diaconal minister. The church, recognizing the gifts and impact of all predecessor embodiments of the diaconate and providing for the continuation of the office of  deaconess, affirms that this distinctiveness is made visible and central to the church's life and ministry through ordination, and that the ministry of the deacon is a faithful response of the mission of the church meeting the emerging needs of the future. Deacons are accountable to the annual conference and the bishop for the fulfillment of their call to servant leadership.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21832-MN-316-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference