Petition Text: 21851-MN-443-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 443 as ¶ 331 and amend:

Clergy Elders in appointment beyond the local church...

1. Categories of Appointment.--In order to establish...the following categories are established for appointments of elders within the itineracy of The United Methodist Church.

a) Appointments within the connectional structures of United Methodism: only elders in full connection may be appointed district superintendents. All ordained ministers may be appointed staff members of conference councils, boards, and agencies, treasurers, bishops' assistants, superintendents or directors of parish development,...

b) Appointments to extension ministries of members elders in full connection under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry such as: chaplains, both active duty and reserve components, Department of Veterans Affairs chaplains, both full and part time, business and industrial chaplains, chaplains in correctional settings, chaplains and counselors in health care settings, pastoral counselors, ministry in community service organizations, and other ministry settings which the bishop and conference Board of Ordained Ministry may designate.33 The division Board shall annually verify...

c) Conference members Elders in service under the World Division of the General Board of Global Ministries may be appointed to the ministries as listed in a) and b) above....

d) Conference members Elders may receive appointments...true extension of the Christian ministry of the Church. They  may be appointed to pastoral ministry in other Christian denominations, at the request of appropriate judicatory offers of that denomination. These ministries...fulfillment of their ordination vows to Service, Word, Sacrament, and Order...

The Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of tThe Board of Higher Education and Ministry will provide...

Those seeking such an appointment shall submit to the Cabinet, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries General Board of Higher Education and Ministry a written statement...

2. Relation to the Annual Conference.--a) Accountability to the Annual Conference.--Conference members Elders under appointment beyond the local church...

Persons Elders under appointment beyond the local church...and the fulfillment of their ordination to be minister of service, Word, Sacrament, and Order. Persons Elders formally evaluated by the institutions in which they serve will provide, instead of an evaluation, a narrative report reflecting their ministry. Clergy Elders serving in appointments outside the conference...

b) Responsibility of the Annual Conference.--The bishop, representatives of the Cabinet, and the Committee on Chaplains and Related Ministries of the Board of Ordained Ministry shall provide...

3. Relation to the Local Church.--a) Conference members Elders appointed beyond the local well as continuing education work formation experiences completed and anticipated. This report may be the one submitted to the bishop, district superintendent, and Board of Ordained Ministry (¶ 443.2a 331.2). District superintendents, because of the nature of their work, and the relationship defined in ¶¶ 529.3, 454.1a 357.1a, 755, shall not be required to have a Charge Conference affiliation.

All conference members who are elders in full connection, including those in extension ministries,...

b) Affiliate Relation to a Local Church.--Ordained ministers elders under appointment beyond the local church...

These ordained ministers elders under appointment beyond the local church...

4. Affiliate Relation to Annual Conference.--Ordained clergy elders appointed beyond the local church...

5.d) Conference members Elders appointed beyond the local church...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21851-MN-443-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference