Petition Text: 21858-MN-427-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 427 as ¶ 337 and amend:

Transfers.--1. From Other Annual Conferences.--Ordained ministers elders from other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church may be received by transfer into probationary, associate, or full membership...

2. From Other Methodist Denominations.--a) Ordained ministers elders or ordained clergy from other Methodist churches may be received by transfer into probationary, associate, or full conference membership...

b) Ordained ministers elders or ordained clergy being transferred...

c) The Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall certify the satisfaction...

3. From Other Denominations.--a) On recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the clergy members in full connection may recognize the orders of ministers elders or ordained clergy from other denominations and receive them as probationary members, associate members, or local pastors...The Board of Ordained Ministry in consultation with the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall determine whether they meet the educational requirements for conference membership.

b) Ordained ministers elders or ordained clergy from other Christian denominations must shall serve as probationary members for at least two years and complete all the requirements of ¶ 424 324, including courses...

4. The Board of Ordained Ministry of an Annual Conference is required to ascertain from an ordained minister elder or ordained clergy person seeking admission...

5. Ordained ministers elders or ordained clergy seeking admission into an Annual Conference...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21858-MN-427-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference