Petition Text: 21860-MN-406-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 406 as ¶ 339 and amend:

Authority and Duties.--1. A local pastor is approved annually by the district Committee on Ordained Ministry and licensed by the bishop to perform all the duties of a pastor (¶ 439 347)including the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as well as the service of marriage (where state laws allow), burial, confirmation, and membership reception, while assigned appointed to a particular charge. Local pastors are not eligible for appointment beyond the local church.  

3. The license shall remain valid only so long as the appointment continues and must shall be recertified by the bishop...

4. A local pastor shall be under the supervision of a district superintendent and a counseling elder pastoral mentor who shall supervise the local pastor's work in tThe cCourse of sStudy for ordained ministry and give counsel on matters of pastoral responsibility (¶ 411 345).

5. Local pastors shall be amenable to the Clergy Session of the Annual Conference...

6. The membership of local pastors under full-time and part-time appointment...

7. [Delete.]  

8 7. Student local pastors (¶ 408.3 342.3) may retain their membership in their home church and Charge conference or place it in the church where they are appointed, but in the discharge of their ministerial functions they shall be amenable to the district superintendent under whom they serve. They shall have the right to voice, but not vote in the annual conference.

9 8. All local pastors...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21860-MN-406-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference