Petition Text: 21863-MN-408-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 408 as ¶ 342 and amend:

Categories of Local Pastor.--Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of ¶ 407 340 , the district Committee...Award of the license shall not be made until an appointment to a pastoral charge is made in accordance with ¶ 436 327. In recommending...

1. ...(c) who, unless they have completed the cCourse of sStudy for ordained ministry, shall complete two courses per year in a cCourse of sStudy school or the correspondence curriculum prescribed by the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (¶ 1529.2); (d) who, when they have completed educational requirements for associate membership The Course of Study  for ordained ministry are involved in continuing education (¶ 445 348 );6 (e) who shall not be enrolled as a full-time student in any school.

2. Part-time Local Pastors.--Those eligible to be appointed as part-time local pastors are lay persons (a) who have met the provisions of ¶ 407 340; (b) who do not...(d) who, unless they have completed tThe cCourse of sStudy for ordained ministry, shall complete two courses per year in a cCourse of sStudy school or the correspondence curriculum prescribed by the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Part-time Local Pastors may be appointed to small membership churches which are grouped together in a charge under the supervision of a mentor.

3. Student Local Pastors.--Those eligible...(a) who have met the provisions of ¶ 407 340; and...

5. Full-time lLocal pastors, except student local pastors, may serve on any board, commission, or committee with voice and vote except on matters of clergy character, qualifications, status, and ordination except the Board of Ordained and Ministry and the District Committee on Ordained Ministry and Board of Trustees (¶¶ 733.1, 2513.1). They shall not be eligible to vote on or serve for election as delegates to the General, Jurisdictional, or Central Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21863-MN-408-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference