Petition Text: 21865-MN-410-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Ordained Deacons

Renumber ¶ 410 as ¶ 343 and amend:

Exiting, Reinstatement, and Retirement of Local Pastors Who Are Not Ordained Deacons.

1. Discontinuance of Local Pastor.--Whenever a local pastor retires or is no longer approved for appointment by the Annual Conference as required in ¶ 408 342, or whenever any local pastor severs relationship with The United Methodist Church, or whenever the appointment of a local pastor is discontinued by the bishop or whenever the District Committee on the Ordained Ministry does not recommend continuation of license, license and credentials shall be surrendered to the district superintendent for deposit with the secretary of the conference. This does not apply to persons who were licensed to preach prior to 1950. After consultation...

4. Reinstatement of Local Pastor Status.--Local pastors whose approved status has been discontinued from an Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors may be reinstated only by the Annual Conference...When approved by the clergy members in full connection as provided in ¶ 436 327, their license...They shall complete current studies and meet requirements as provided in ¶¶ 407 340, 408 342.

[Second paragraph, next to last sentence] Before such persons shall be appointed, they shall be recommended by the board and approved by the clergy session of the Annual Conference from which they were discontinued. A district superintendent...

5. Retirement of Local Pastor.--On recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry and by vote of the clergy members in full connection, a local pastor who has completed tThe cCourse of sStudy and served...Retirement provisions for local pastors shall be the same as those for clergy members in ¶ 452.1, .2, .4, .6 355.1, .2, .4, .6 with pensions payable in accordance with ¶ 1606.5a. Retired Local Pastors may attend annual conference sessions with voice, but not vote.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21865-MN-410-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference