Petition Text: 21873-MN-444-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Renumber ¶ 444 as ¶ 348 and amend:

Evaluation.--Evaluation is a continuous process for formation in Servant Ministry and Servant Leadership which must take place in a spirit of understanding and acceptance.

1. The pastors in local churches shall receive participate annually in an evaluation annually from with the Committee on Pastor-Parish Relations (¶ 326.2c) for use in an ongoing effective ministry and for identifying continuing education needs and plans (¶ 270.2f[3]), using criteria, processes, and training developed by the Board of Ordained Ministry and the Cabinet.

2. The district superintendent will evaluate annually the pastors' effectiveness for ministry (¶¶ 423.2c 320.2c, 326.2d, 520, 733.2n, o), using criteria, processes, and training developed by the Cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry.

2 3. Clergy serving in appointments...and include copies of these evaluations in the annual report submitted to the their bishop, district superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶ 443.2a 331.2a). When possible, they shall have conversation with their District Superintendent about their ministry.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21873-MN-444-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference