Petition Text: 21991-MN-733-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 733:

1. Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. Each Annual Conference at the first session following the General Conference shall elect for a term of four years a Board of Ordained Ministry consisting of not fewer than six ordained elders and deacons ministers in full...The board membership shall include women and ethnic persons. The chairpersons of the Orders of Deacons and of Elders shall be members of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶ 733.1c) and its executive committee.

c) The board shall organize by electing from its membership a chairperson, registrars, and such other officers as it may deem necessary. The board shall designate its executive committee which shall include the chairpersons of the Orders of Deacons and Elders. The board shall organize in such manner as to care for its responsibilities, including the needs of deacons and elders. The board shall,  as a part of its organization, provide for  a Division of Deacons and a Division of Elders.

2.a) To assume the primary responsibility for the enlistment and recruitment of ordained clergy, by working in consultation with the Cabinet and the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, to study and interpret...

d) [Second sentence] In case of doubt, the board may submit a transcript to the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for evaluation.

e) The board shall annually appoint and train a sufficient number of mentors supervising pastors, in each district, in consultation with the district superintendent.

f) To guide the candidate for ordained ministry who is not enrolled in a theological school and who is pursuing tThe cCourse of sStudy as adopted by the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

g) To examine all applicants as to their fitness for the ordained ministry and make full inquiry as to the fitness of the candidate for: (1) annual election as local pastor; (2) election to associate membership; (3) election to probationary membership; (4) election to full conference membership.

h) To provide all candidates for ordained ministry a written statement on the Disciplinary and Annual Conference requirements for the local pastor, associate, probationary, and full membership.

i) To interview and report recommendation concerning: (1) students, not yet deacons and elders in full connection,...

n) To provide support services for the ordained minister's career development, including personal and career counseling, continuing education formation, continuing spiritual growth in Christ,...

o) To work with and support the Order of Deacon and the Order of Elder, including receiving reports, offering financial support, and coordinating the Order's activity with the continuing formation offerings of the Board. The Board may delegate continuing formation responsibility to the Orders by mutual agreement, with final approval, evaluation, and budgeting remaining with the Board.

p) To work with and support the ordering of Local Pastors, including receiving reports, offering financial support, and coordinating their continuing formation.

o q) To provide a means of evaluating the effectiveness of ordained ministers in the Annual Conference (¶¶ 704.6; 270 471.2f[3]; 444 346). In cooperation with the Cabinet, the Board shall develop standards of effectiveness for clergy serving as pastors of congregations in that annual conference.

p r) To interpret...

q s) To recommend...

r t) To administer the portion of the Ministerial Education Fund for use by the Annual Conference in its programs of enlistment, basic professional educational aid, continuing education formation, ethnic ministry and language training, and professional growth of ordained ministers; and to confer with the conference Board of Diaconal Ministry concerning the same uses for diaconal ministers.  

s u) To cooperate with the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and assist in:...

t v) To promote...

u w) To work in cooperation with the Board of Diaconal Ministry as long as such board is organized in the conference, meeting together at least annually, to enhance the total ministry of the Church, recognizing that both diaconal ministry and ordained ministry are components of the professional ministry of the Church.

v w) To approve, train, and assign mentors counseling elders recommended by the Cabinet (¶ 411 345).

3. and guidance of mentors supervising pastor(s) in each district....

b) Pertinent information...shall be mailed after each conference session to the Division of Ordained Ministry General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. The registrar...

c) The registrar shall keep a record of the standing of the students in tThe cCourse of sStudy and  report to the conference when required. This record shall include the credits allowed students for work done in accredited schools of theology, in approved The cCourse of sStudy schools, or tThe cCourse of sStudy correspondence.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 21991-MN-733-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference