The specific responsibilities of the Division of Ordained
Ministry Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall be:
2. To prescribe tThe cCourse of
sStudy for ordained ministry, which
shall include studies required for license as local pastor and the basic
five-year cCourse of sStudy. It
also shall provide an aAdvanced
cCourse of sStudy for preachers
who have finished the above courses and meet the requirements of ¶ 424.3.
All work in the ministerial cCourse of
sStudy for candidates for elder in full connection
(¶¶ 422-425), renewal of licenses (¶ 405), associate member
(¶ 420), probationary member (¶ 415), and local pastors qualifying
for appointment (¶¶ 406-409), shall be taken under the direction of
the Division of Ordained Ministry Board of Higher Education
and Ministry in an approved cCourse of
sStudy school. The division
general board shall cooperate with the Boards of Ordained Ministry and
other conference boards in organizing, financing, and conducting
cCourse of sStudy schools. (For
exceptional provisions for taking tThe
cCourse of sStudy for
ordained ministry by correspondence, see ¶ 408.1.)
7. To recommend and help organize, finance, and conduct continuing
education formation and spiritual growth
12. The division general board shall develop policies...
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
Petition Text: 22005-MN-1529-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference