Petition Text: 22010-MN-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers




"Ordination is a public act of the Church which indicates acceptance by an individual of God's call to the upbuilding of the Church through the ministry of Word, Sacrament, and Order and acknowledgment and authentication of this call by the Christian community through prayers and the laying on of hands.

"It is a rite of the Church following New Testament usage as appears in the words of Paul to Timothy: `I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands' (2 Timothy 1:6).

"United Methodist tradition has entrusted persons in the ordained ministry with the responsibility for maintaining standards: for education and training and for examination and granting credentials to those who seek ordination. By the authorization of the clergy members of the Annual Conference, candidates are elected into the Annual Conference and are ordained by the bishop, who will use the historic language of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because ordinations are acts of the whole Church, the text and rubrics of the orders for ordination are to be used as approved by the General Conference.

"Ordination, thus, is that act by which the Church symbolizes a shared relationship between those ordained for sacramental and functional leadership and the Church community from which the person being ordained has come. The community is initiated by God, is given meaning and direction by Christ, and is sustained by the Holy Spirit. This relationship is a gift which comes through the grace of God in assurance of the ministry of Christ throughout the world" (The Book of Discipline, 1992, ¶ 432).

Ordination includes prayer in which the Holy Spirit is invoked to empower a person for the exercise of a particular ministry.

The resident bishop should be responsible for the service of ordination and should plan it in consultation with the conference Board of Ordained Ministry and the conference Worship Committee.

The bishop shall preside at the ordination service. Laity, diaconal ministers, and ordained clergy may participate in leadership during the Entrance, Presentation, and Proclamation.

The service should take place during Annual Conference. Red is the appropriate color for paraments.

If Orders from another denomination are recognized in accordance with disciplinary requirements, ordination is not repeated for any person. Persons whose Orders are recognized should participate as candidates in the service except in the laying on of hands.

The candidates for ordination are presented to the bishop using each candidate's full name.

Deacons "shall be ordained by a bishop, employing the Order of Service for the Ordination of Deacons" (The Book of Discipline, 1992, ¶ 434.3).

Care should be taken to enable members of the congregation to see the laying on of hands. Cameras, videocassette recorders, and other equipment should not be allowed to intrude upon the service.

The resident bishop alone shall lay on hands. Spouses and other family members of candidates for ordination should not participate in the laying on of hands. Family members and friends may be invited to stand where they are for silent prayer during the laying on of hands.

When Holy Scriptures are presented to candidates, complete texts of the Old and New Testaments are to be used.

Following the presentation of the Bible to each candidate, a deacon's stole may be presented. It is recommended that deacons wear the stole as a sash over the left shoulder, fastened below the right arm. The color of the stole may be the liturgical color of the day, season, or occasion. At ordination services the stoles are usually red, signifying the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The service of ordination normally takes place within the service of Word and Table, with Holy Communion served to the entire congregation.




The service begins with the gathering of the people. Festive music may be offered while the people gather. The service may then continue with a procession including the worship leaders, other participants in worship, candidates, and bishop(s).


If the hymn is to be a hymn of praise, it follows the Greeting. Processional hymns are listed on 713.


The bishop begins; the people respond.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

And also with you.

Our help is in the name of the Lord.

The Creator of heaven and earth.

Let us pray.

Almighty God, by your Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

you gave to your apostles many excellent gifts.

Give your grace to all

who have been called to representative servant leadership ministry,

that they may with diligence and faithfulness

fulfill their various ministries.

Grant that we your people may follow where you lead,

perfect our ministries,

and live in joyful obedience to your will;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The people are seated.


One layperson and one elder ordained clergy from the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, chosen by the bishop, present to the bishop those who are to be ordained deacons. The bishop stands before the Lord's table, facing the people.


Bishop Name,

on behalf of the laity of the local congregations

who have examined and approved these candidates,

Elder Ordained Clergy:

and on behalf of the elders of the Annual Conference,

who have also examined and approved these candidates,

we present to you these persons

to be ordained deacons in Christ's holy Church:

The full name of each candidate is read aloud by a presenter, and each candidate stands. After the candidates have been presented, all candidates remain standing, and the bishop says:

These persons are by God's grace

to be ordained to the ministry of deacons.

Those authorized by the Church to inquire about them

have found them to be of sound learning

and of Christian character,

to possess the necessary gifts and evidence of God's grace,

and believe them to be duly called

to serve God in this ministry.

We ask you, people of God,

to declare your assent to the ordination of these persons.

Do you trust that they are worthy, by God's grace, to be ordained?

We do! Thanks be to God!

Will you uphold them in their ministry?

With God's help, we will!

The bishop and candidates are seated.


Suggested scripture lessons are found on 711-12.





Hymns are listed on 713.





Hymns are listed on 713.

During the hymn, the candidates come forward.


All are seated, except the candidates and the bishop, who stand facing each other. The bishop examines the candidates, saying:

Substitute the following for the Examination in the service #661:


My brothers and sisters, you are to be ordained to the ministry of deacons in the Church of Jesus Christ.

God has called you to exemplify the ministry of servanthood in the world,

a ministry to which all Christians are called in baptism.

You are to relate the gathered life of the community to servant ministry in the world,

to interrelate the altar and the marketplace,

and to create opportunities for others to enter into Christian discipleship.

You are to teach and proclaim God's word,

to lead in worship, to assist elders at Holy Baptism and Holy Communion,

and to nurture the formation of disciples for witness and work in the world.

You are to be co-workers with other deacons, and with the bishops, elders, and laity.

In the name of Jesus Christ,

you are to serve all people,

particularly the poor, the sick, and the oppressed.

and to witness for justice even in the face of hardship and persecution.

You are to interpret to the Church

the hurts and hopes of the world.

At all times by your life and teaching you are to lead Christ's people

into ministries of compassion and justice,

liberation and reconciliation,

even in the face of hardship and personal sacrifice.

So that we may know that you believe yourselves to be called by God and that you profess the Christian faith, we ask you:

Do you trust that you are called by God

to the life and work of a deacon?

I do so trust.

Do you believe in the Triune God,

and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

I do so believe and confess.

Do you believe the doctrines of the Christian faith?

I do so believe them.

Are you persuaded

that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

contain all things necessary for salvation

through faith in Jesus Christ,

and are the unique and authoritative standard

for the Church's faith and life?

I am so persuaded, by God's grace.

Will you be faithful in prayer,

in the reading and study of the Holy Scriptures,

and with the help of the Holy Spirit

continually rekindle the gift of God that is in you?

I will, with the help of God.

Will you do your best to pattern your life

in accordance with the teachings of Christ?

I will, with the help of God.

Will you, in the exercise of your ministry,

lead the people of God

to faith in Jesus Christ,

to participate in the life and work of the community,

and to seek peace, justice, and freedom and peace for all people?

I will, with the help of God.

Will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church,

accepting its order, liturgy, doctrine, and discipline,

and accepting the authority of those who are appointed

to supervise your ministry?

I will, with the help of God.

May God,

who has given you the will to do these things,

give you grace to perform them

that the work begun in you may be brought to perfection. Amen.


The bishop calls the people to prayer, saying:

As these persons are ordained by God and the Church

for the ministry of deacons

to which we believe they have been called by the Holy Spirit,

let us pray for them.

The candidates kneel.

The people pray for them in silence.

The bishop addresses the candidates:

My sisters and brothers,

from the time of the apostles

persons with suitable gifts and grace have been set apart

by the laying on of hands and prayer

for a ministry of service in the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We trust that the Spirit of God

has called you to the ministry of deacons.

As earnest prayer is made

for the fulfillment of the Spirit's gift in you,

the Church of God now calls you

to receive the laying on of hands

as the seal of your vocation by the Spirit.

(Note: new location for prayer)

After all have received the laying on of hands, The bishop facing the candidates, with both hands extended over them, prays:

Let us pray.

We give thanks to you, Lord God,

that in your great love

you sent Jesus Christ, your only begotten,

to take the form of a servant for the sake of us all,

becoming obedient even to death on the cross.

We praise you that you have highly exalted Jesus Christ your servant

whom you have made to be Lord of all,

and that you have taught us, by his word and example,

that whoever would be great among us must be servant of all.

Increase within the lives of these your servants

the gift of the Holy Spirit,

through Jesus Christ your Son,

for the ministry of a deacon in your Church.

Give them grace to be faithful to their promises,

constant in their discipleship,

and always ready for the works of loving service to lead the people in the work of compassion and justice.

Make them modest and humble, gentle and strong,

that, having the assurance of faith and rejoicing in hope,

they may be rooted and grounded in love.

Give them a share in the ministry of Jesus Christ,

who came not to be served but to serve;

who now lives and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Family members and friends may be invited to stand where they are for silent prayer during the laying on of hands.

One by one, the candidates stand, go to the bishop, and kneel. Calling each candidate by name, the bishop lays both hands on the head of each one. While hands are imposed, the bishop prays:

Lord, pour upon Name the Holy Spirit

for the office and work of a deacon,

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

The bishop's prayer may follow the lay on of hands and just prior to following sign act of granting authority and presenting delivering a Bible may be done immediately after the laying on of hands and prayer for the Holy Spirit.

Then the bishop shall present deliver to each deacon a Bible, placing his/her hands and the hands of the candidate on the Bible and say saying:

Name , take authority as a deacon in the Church

to preach the Word of God, assist in the administration of the Sacraments,

and to lead serve all God's people in service in the world.

A deacon's stole or other gift may be given to each deacon.


The deacons whose Full Membership in the Annual Conference is to be recognized stand and face the bishop.

The bishop addresses all those who have been received as full members and as members of the Order of Deacons.

After years of service as a deacon

and due examination of your effectiveness in exemplifying Christian discipleship

and leading others into discipleship in the Church and the world,

we rejoice to recognize you as a full member of the annual conference and as members

of the Order of Deacons.

We give thanks that you have been called to serve among us,

and to lead us in serving.

We pray that the Spirit of God may keep you faithful to your covenant with God,

other deacons, and the Church.


The bishop addresses all those whose orders as deacons are recognized. If the bishop prefers, this may be done immediately prior to the laying on of hands.

After due examination

of your call and ministry in another part of Christ's holy Church,

we now welcome you to this communion.

You have given assurance of your faith and Christian experience.

You have renewed the vows of your ordination

and committed yourself to uphold faithfully

The United Methodist Church.

We rejoice that you have been called to serve among us,

and pray that the Spirit of God may guide your ministry.

As each candidate comes forward, the bishop uses the following greeting:

Name, we now recognize you as a deacon

in The United Methodist Church.


Hymns are listed on 713.

If the Lord's Supper is celebrated, the deacons remain to assist the bishop. The service on 678-82 may be followed. If the Lord's Supper is not celebrated, they return to their seats.

When the Lord's Supper is not celebrated, the service concludes as follows.



The following is used only if the Lord's Supper has not been celebrated. The bishop says:

Let us pray.

We thank you, Lord God,

for raising up among us faithful servants

for the ministry of deacons in your Church.

Clothe them with your righteousness,

and grant that we, with them, may glorify you

by giving ourselves to others;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.


If the closing hymn is a recessional, it should follow Dismissal with Blessing; otherwise it should precede Dismissal with Blessing.

Closing hymns are listed on 713.


The bishop dismisses and blesses the people, saying:

Go in peace

to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.

We go in the name of Christ. Thanks be to God!

The blessing of almighty God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you always. Amen.

The deacons dismiss the people, saying:

Go in peace to serve God and your neighbor in all that you do.

The deacons stand and receive the blessing from the bishop.

The blessing of Almighty God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you always. Amen.



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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22010-MN-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference