Petition Text: 22041-MN-402.2-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 402.2:

2. [Last sentence] ...self-avowed, practicing homosexuals are not to be serve in The United Methodist Church. Any minister who declares himself or herself to be a homosexual after receiving ordination or accepting an appointment in any status in The United Methodist Church shall be immediately removed from that position and required to surrender her or his ministerial credentials. If such a one accepts professional Christian counseling, makes repentance, receives pardoning grace and holistic healing from God, and wishes to return to the United Methodist ministry, his or her credentials may be restored by vote of the clergy executive session of the annual conference upon recommendation of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22041-MN-402.2-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference