Petition Text: 22072-MN-437-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Add new sub-paragraphs after ¶ 437.3:

4. Concerning interim pastoral appointments: We recognize that there are especially sensitive situations in local church congregations such as, but not limited to, (a) the need for changing pastors after a long-term pastorate, when trust and affections between people and pastor have deepened through long association; (b) internal church tensions and disagreements which clearly place the next pastor (or even a series of pastors) to be appointed at risk for short tenure; (c) necessary leave of absence, withdrawal, or other situations resulting in removal of appointed pastors. In such cases, short-term pastoral anointments may be desirable, predictable, unavoidable, or any combination of the above. Whether so named or not, they become interim pastoral appointments with intentional or virtual interim pastors.

5. Intentional interim pastors shall be defined as those licensed or ordained persons so appointed by the bishop and Cabinet for a specified period of time, generally one year or less. A written agreement to that effect shall be signed by each intentional interim pastor and the appropriate local church Pastor-Parish Relations Committee chairperson and district superintendent. Each shall receive a copy of the agreement. Any regular pastor in full connection who feels a special interest in, or call to, this type of service is encouraged to make that information known to his or her district superintendent. Cabinets are especially encouraged to consider the gifts and graces of those retired clergy who may be willing and able to render a much-needed service in such a capacity.

6. Virtual interim pastors shall be defined as those persons regularly appointed as successor pastors in such situations and whose appointment tenure was at risk from the beginning, through circumstances previously known to the bishop and Cabinet. They shall be expected to do their best in such circumstances, but no blame will be attached to their ministry if the appointment is a short one. If such a pastor stays fewer than three years due to local church action to change pastors, the notation "Virtual Interim Pastor" shall be entered into that pastor's individual appointment record for the year(s) in question and shall be considered by the bishop and Cabinet in making the pastor's future appointment.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22072-MN-437-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference