Petition Text: 22102-GM-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the 1992 General Conference of The United Methodist church mandated a Native American Comprehensive Plan (NACP) with a budget of 1.2 million dollars; and

Whereas, the NACPTF has set up the NACP by establishing goals and strategies in the following four directions: (1) leadership development; (2) congregational development; (3) Native American spirituality; (4) denominational presence; and

Whereas, the NACP made significant progress in accomplishing the identified four directions of the NACP; and

Whereas, the Native American population increased 39% between 1980 and 1990 (U.S. Census); and

Whereas, it is important for The United Methodist Church to understand the economic, social, and spiritual crisis that exists in "Indian Country"; and

Whereas, the NACPTF has a vision that, if acted upon positively by The United Methodist Church, will enable Native Americans to become aware of the reality of God's presence, through worship, fellowship, outreach, and service; and

Whereas, the NACPTF voted to continue this viable ministry into the 21st century; and

Whereas, the NACPTF presents the Circle of Life recommendations with a budget recommendation of 1.2 million dollars; and

Whereas, the NACPTF recommends the composition, organization, and function of the 1997-2000 Native American Comprehensive Plan Task Force; and

Whereas, the NACPTF voted to support the petition of the National United Methodist Native American Center and NUMNAC's budget request and include the petition and budget as an addendum to the report;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1996 General Conference adopt the report and recommendations and direct the general boards and agencies to implement the recommendations and budget of the NACPTF report to the 1996 General Conference.

Be it further resolved, that the 1996 General Conference approve the NUMNAC petition and budget of $316,000.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22102-GM-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference