Petition Text: 22188-CO-749-D

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The annual conference shall establish a Committee on Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries (CJAMM) to accomplish the following: (1) raise the awareness and generate local church involvement; (2) identify existing programs; (3) promote criminal justice ministries; (4) serve as a resource and connectional link with local churches, general program agencies and ecumenical groups, and use Prison Ministry/Prison Reform resources made available through the general agencies. The purpose is to promote a ministry to persons of all genders and ages who are in prison, to the families of those in prison, and to the victims of crime and their families, and to be an advocate for prison concerns. A minimum of three lay and three clergy persons shall compose the committee. The CJAMM committee may relate to the Board of Global Ministries and/or the Board of Church and Society, which shares social justice concerns.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22188-CO-749-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference