Petition Text: 22196-CO-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Having met on Saturday, October 7, 1995, we fifty UM laity and clergy who attended the Conference in the Imperative Mood at Riverside First United Methodist Church in Riverside, California, having adopted as our own the following ten imperatives for Christian character, both individual and collective, now offer these imperatives to members of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church in the hope that they, too, will adopt these for their expression of Christian character, individual and collective.

1. The annual conferences shall offer opportunity and encouragement for theological discussion, dialogue, and debate both within the annual conference and among the local churches on matters of theological importance, this in order to make laity and clergy alike "thinking" Christians.

2. Conference caucuses began with good intent. However, now these divide us politically. We encourage all annual conference caucuses to unify around the principle of having and developing in us "the mind of Christ." We must be under the common mantle of Christ's kingdom.

3. United Methodist pastors shall become journeyman/journeywomen theologians, general practitioners of the historic Christian faith. Laity, too, shall be challenged to take and to teach annual courses in general theology, this as a challenge beyond our continuing education.

4. Laity and clergy of the General Conference shall be, as first priority, witnesses to Christ. We shall be asked by our every meeting of the annual conferences if we have been faithful to this witness.

5. Local and church pastors shall study and teach Bible, Church history, and historic doctrine during the church year. Pastors as preachers and teachers shall be encouraged by the General Conference and monitored by annual conferences.

6. Bishops of our general Church shall take on as primary role being pastors to the pastors under their annual conference care. District superintendents shall as well seek as priority the same role to local church pastors.

7. No more shall The United Methodist Church adapt to society's norm and measure. The church of Christ rather shall impregnate these civic and social structures with the Spirit of God and the values of God's kingdom.

8. We shall make as our constant General Conference goal inward and outward holiness, where the love of God and the love of neighbor are our twin missions.

9. Our United Methodist Church, which must evangelize, shall also be evangelized. The Good News we hope to offer unto others must as well be offered unto us by someone else. Let us cooperate with the Spirit's design to evangelize United Methodists.

10. The General Conference, and the annual conferences thereafter, with the help of our local churches, pastors and laity, shall give first priority to a timely and relevant theological agenda shaped for the new millennium, which puts to secondary concern budgets and programs and puts to primary concern the conversion to Christ and deepening of our Christian lives.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22196-CO-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference