Petition Text: 22199-DI-66-D

Understanding Petition Numbers


Amend ¶ 66:

The Wesleyan "Standards" in Great Britain

[Fourth paragraph] These writings, then, contained the standard exposition of Methodist teaching. They provide a model and measure for adequate preaching in the Wesleyan tradition. doctrinal sermons became in the witnessing experience more than a belief assented to. In the dynamic of the occasion, the sermons become a "present existing and established standard of doctrine." The primary norm...

Doctrinal Standards in American Methodism

[Seventh paragraph] assurance and Christian perfection. Wesley's Sermons and Notes, therefore, continued to function as the traditional standard exposition provided these missing doctrinal emphases, and through the dynamic of doctrinal preaching, provided a standard of distinctive Methodist teaching.

[Ninth paragraph] Within the Wesleyan tradition, then as now, the Sermons and Notes furnished models of doctrinal exposition. contained doctrine that challenges each generation of Methodists not to merely assent to beliefs but to witness. The doctrinal witness is in the process a "standard" of doctrine. Other documents forms of witnessing have also served...


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22199-DI-66-D
1996 United Methodist General Conference