Petition Text: 22218-DI-NonDis-O

Understanding Petition Numbers


Whereas, the 1992 Discipline requires that the Board of Discipleship of each annual conference will "foster and promote camping experiences for persons with handicapping conditions including camps specifically designed for persons with handicapping conditions, and the participation of persons with handicapping conditions, when feasible, in camps sponsored by the district and conference" (¶ 729.1c); and

Whereas, the annual conference Board of Discipleship must "provide training for clergy and laity in ministries with a population with handicapping conditions,..." (¶ 729.1d); and

Whereas, the General Board of Discipleship is to "develop standards governing all types of camping in regard to physical facilities, program, and leadership" (¶ 1209.5); and

Whereas, the United Methodist Task Force on Developmental Disabilities affirms camping programs designed for persons with disabilities already in place throughout the Church and advocates for the full inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities in the life of the Church;

Therefore, be it resolved, that each annual conference will develop at least one camping program that addresses the needs of children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities.

Be it further resolved, that in accordance with ¶ 1209.5 and to assist annual conferences in complying with ¶ 729.1d, the General Board of Discipleship will design appropriate leadership training for camping ministries with persons with developmental disabilities and will make such training available to each annual conference to assist in developing and maintaining camping ministries with persons with developmental disabilities.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

Petition Text: 22218-DI-NonDis-O
1996 United Methodist General Conference